Is your Mobile App Quality Assured?

Mobility solutions and applications is the need of the hour and is becoming inevitable for social and commercial existence. The mobile ecosystem has gone beyond the boundaries of telephony. It determines activities, provides alerts, keeps users engaged socially and much more. Mobile Application Marketplaces are becoming very popular and many companies are encouraging users to download various apps on the mobile. Websites are also being built as responsive for favourable browsing experience across various handheld devices. There are millions of applications that come up and most of them are bound to eat into each other’s space. So, how does aRead More

Game Changers in Mobile Applications

Goldman Sachs estimates that by 2018 mobile spending will account for half of the total eCommerce spending, projecting $626 billion in sales. Though the figures might vary across various research bodies, Business2Community estimates that the mobile app economy was worth $53 billion in 2012, and the forecast for 2016 is that it will grow to $143 billion. So, the figure at hand is very huge and quite substantial to consider. So, the war at hand is Desktop Vs Mobile… Today the word App invariably gets associated with downloading Mobile Apps. These apps are customized for mobile devices and downloaded fromRead More

BYOD is changing the workplace landscape

You can’t possibly push changes under the carpet and assume that it’s not happening. It’s like surviving through a tornado with eyes closed and reassuring yourself that it is not happening. Enterprise technology landscape is an ever shifting canvas with a whirlpool of changes and if you can’t match up, it will extinguish you and will lead to obsolescence. Speaking of BYOD (Bring Your Own Device); is a concept where employees are allowed to get and use their own devices at their office premises. As it is quite evident today, it is not possible to keep employees away from theirRead More

Give your business the ‘Mobile’ edge

I travel a lot; for business, for pleasure and what comes handy is a Google map and mobile Apps that help me navigate through the unknown terrains. It helps in accommodation, eat-outs, payments and more than I could ever imagine. While going through a similar experience a month back I kept wondering about how I could have ever been able to manage my travel without these Apps and how important it is to enable every business with a user-friendly Mobile App. Technology is dynamic and we need to keep up with it to reinvent our business strategy. In year 2000,Read More

PSI accomplishes a combined release of Web and Android Mobile App

The PSI team recently released a Web & Mobile App for a micro-financing client. The client’s business is currently supported by a Web Application developed by the PSI team. Client’s strategic business objective was to develop an Android Mobile App extension for the website, where the Mobile app will work in sync. The aim was to cut down on the processing time by providing near Real-time notifications and reporting of various business activities from field to a central Back Office for further processing. Project Scope Integration with the existing web application (built by PSI). This required changes in the existingRead More

Wireframe Design for Website & Mobile Apps

As wiki defines it, a wireframe prototype, a.k.a screen blueprint, is a visual guide that represents the skeletal framework of a website or a screen flow in a mobile app. These wireframes are created for the purpose of arranging elements to best accomplish a business objective and a creative idea. These prototypes basically operate on the fundamental that ‘a picture is worth a thousand words’. The Wireframe design offers a working model, which provides touch and feel of the end product and enables corrections in the design way ahead in the product lifecycle, thereby saving big on time, efforts andRead More

While developing a Mobile Application…

Mobiles Applications have today evolved as one of the indispensable fragments of our urban as well as rural existence. So much so that it is estimated that the number of mobile app downloads is expected to reach 225 billion by the year 2016. Businesses across the globe are focusing on integrating mobile apps into their business strategy and provide a cohesive experience to its employees. Nevertheless, we need to ponder over a few questions before venturing in the mobile app development zone. This is important to derive benefits from the Application developed. Why develop. What propels you to develop theRead More

Enterprise Mobility for Healthcare Industry

Healthcare industry constitutes hospitals, medical infrastructure, devices and equipments, clinical trials, telemedicine and health insurance. It entails massive processes and everything is highly critical and sensitive. Easy accessibility of advanced technology in medical field has increased the life expectancy of people considerably. Various studies suggest that life expectancy has increased by 6 more years in this decade in contrast to the nineties. This aging population will need more medical attention and lead to increase in demand for healthcare services. Mobility is increasingly becoming an indispensable aspect of the healthcare domain. Mobile technologies provide enormous opportunities for the healthcare solutions providers.Read More

Why was your Mobile App rejected?

Statistics show that about 42% of total sales generated by leading merchants come from mobile apps. On an average a mobile user has about 25-30 apps installed on his device. This definitely triggers opportunities to develop new apps, which could be floated in this highly lucrative market. However, often the apps developed get rejected by app stores and you wonder ‘why did it happen? what went wrong?’ So, it becomes important for an App developer to understand the major app development guidelines set by the app stores. What goes on in the background before an App gets launched in theRead More

Developing a Mobile Application for Apple

In the current scenario of portable devices & its trends, iphone and ipads are the most sought after devices for viewing and accessing consumer Apps. Application Development companies have to customize their apps for these indispensable devices. So, coding for iPhone and iPad is a big market and is integral to every Mobile Application work. There are many ways to develop mobile application. Amongst the most popular ones are mentioned below. iOS Native Android Native PhoneGap Appcelerator Titanium You can choose one according to your requirements and specifications. Moreover for first timers it is worth learning an applicable programming language.Read More

Why are Digital Wallets in Vogue?

The recent RBI reports suggest that payments initiated via digital wallet made during the financial year 2014-2015 amounts to above 314 billion in volumes. These statistics are startling and pose a number of questions, as to what is a digital wallet, how does it work and what could be the probable business opportunities. Digital wallets are online prepaid accounts, wherein one can stock the money for future requirements. A preloaded facility to buy from a wide range of products without payment through cash/cheque or swiping credit/debit card. The traditional wallet was and is still being used to safekeep the cash,Read More

How secure is my Digital Wallet transaction?

Forrester report states that Digital Wallet transaction activity will grow up to $17 billion in volume by 2019, in the United States alone. This raises fear in the consumer’s mind about the security aspects concerning Digital Wallets. My last article discusses about working and benefits associated with digital wallets. Today, I would present the flip side of the wallets. Risks associated with the Digital Wallet Enormous Financial Investment: The initial monetary investment for building a functional digital wallet application is quite large. It initially requires software development, continuous maintenance, updates and fixes associated with it. Upon acquiring software, the businessRead More